Dare to be...
I am very passionate about Purses/Handbags. I have been from a very young age. I learnt from my Mom to wear a purse/handbag to complete my outfit. My Mom is my inspiration and role model. She would never leave the house without a Purse/Handbag.
I would always look into her purse and wonder what a lady had in her purse/handbag. There were a myriad of items. This piqued my curiosity and drew my attention.
I remember, my mum was always checking that I had a matching purse/handbag on my tiny shoulder, she would step back to admire her little princess with an assuring smile.
I still get 'that look' from my Mom if I dared to venture out without a purse/handbag. My father told me in my teenage years, 'A lady must wear a purse/handbag, it completes her outfit'. A purses/handbag adds 'character' or 'attitude' to the wearer’s outlook or presentation, and in most cases, they say a lot about someone's personality.

I used to wish I could find the kind of purses/handbags I imagine I would love to wear. I was led to achieve that by painting on leather purses/handbags and hereby making them into my own unique style.(Custom made).
You know what they say, ‘if you want something that does not exist create it yourself’. That’s exactly what I did. You see, I have always wanted to create something unique, different and welcoming, this period of the Novel Corona virus lock-down afforded me the quiet time to think, conceptualize and actualize what I had ‘excitedly’ wanted to share with the world – my creations.
I saw myself with time on my hands and my materials (paints, brushes, and purses/handbags) were just a walk away in a room by the corner – 'my home studio', Lo and behold;
The birth of 'Agerry Designz'
My brand and logo has a lot to do with co-creating with the Holy Spirit and daring to be bold, imaginative and different.
I love nature. I like taking a walk and looking at nature. Listening to the insects and watching
the animals scurry about their business. I watch and observe the various colors, shades and tints of plants.
When I create, I see myself as a caterpillar on a journey to becoming a butterfly. The cocoon stage is where I incubate ideas downloaded to me through the help of the Holy Spirit.
I conceptualize and actualize the Purses/Handbags transforming them into the customized work they become.

Hello, I am known as Agerry Designz, my name is Adaora Moneme, I started drawing and painting at a very young age as all kids do. I have had a real passion for it since..
It has stuck with me through the years, through a Bachelor of Arts in Fine and Applied Arts. My first drawings must have been when I was about 5 yrs old. My first book was written, illustrated and bound by me when I was about 7 or 8 yrs. My parents still have it and have been in full support of my art..
For relaxation, I listen to music, read books, watch movies, knit or crotchet when I can.
In my work, I dare to be different, I dare to stand out, I dare to make a statement, I dare to live, I dare to be…
What do you dare?